If only always waited for something to change before getting started on anything new.
Whenever I started a thought with If only, it put my happiness on hold.
If only meant that I spent more time wishing for things to be different than putting the effort into creating what would actually make my life look and feel different.
If only is insidious. It creeps into your life when you're not paying attention. You know that If only is in the room when you feel stuck and lackluster. You can be sure If only is hanging out nearby when you're so very capable of finding lots of reasons why you can't move forward.
I've created big changes in my life whenever I've decided to kick If only to the curb and started asking for inspiration from What if instead:
* If only I liked my job turned into What if I went to school to become a massage therapist?
Answer: 16+ years of doing work that I love.
* If only Bill and I would stop bickering shifted to What if we went to counseling?
Answer: We built a strong marriage which has been capable of weathering any storm - including two kids, a garage sale every year, eight days with a broken hot water heater, and oh yeah, we co-authored a book recently, too.
* If only I had clients changed into What if I invited moms to come to monthly groups at my house?
Answer: Two years of the most amazing moms coming together to talk, share, have fun, and find solutions.
What are your If only's?
What's keeping you feeling trapped and uninspired?
What would you do if you were happier? If you enjoyed your job? If you felt excited every morning to start the day?
Come join me at my moms' group this month where we'll talk about how If only shows up in your life, how What if can get you started on the path to somewhere new, and how As if acts as the tool you need to create big changes in your life, starting right now. Register here!