These things are all nice. They don’t always lead to happiness, though. Often, they’re what you think you should be wanting, doing, or buying to be happy because that’s what everyone else is wanting, doing, or buying. Another person’s path to fulfillment, however, won’t ever be the same route for you.
That’s why I lead my vision board workshops differently. Before you begin to cut out words and images from magazines, I ask you to get in touch with your inner guide - that wise, soulful voice within you who knows your heart’s desires.
Once you place your inner guide in charge, your vision board becomes more than a collage of pretty pictures; it becomes your soul map to your very best life.
Do you remember when you were trying on wedding gown after wedding gown and then you knew which dress was the one? Maybe you felt tingly all over but surprisingly calm at the same time. Or when you were house hunting and you felt a certainty in your step as you walked to the front door of the house you knew would become your home. Or that sureness deep inside your bones when you saw your child for the first time and knew that you were put on this earth to love and nurture your baby.
These sensations are your inner guide’s way of navigating you toward your very best life. The more you tune into the way your body feels when you’re headed in the right direction, the clearer the path becomes. Once you know how your inner guide says yes, you can more easily choose what brings you happiness, contentment, peace, and all the other ways you want to feel.
Would you like to build your soul map for 2018? Come to one of three vision board workshops I’m offering in January. In a small group of women, you’ll learn how to listen to the quiet, confident voice inside you. Your vision board will be a manifestation of your inner guide’s wisdom and a beautiful reminder of how to make a life you love in the year to come. Visit for details and to register.